On 07/21/2010 02:43 PM, Bill Davidsen wrote:
> d...@kd4e.com wrote:
>>> Or, use the standard version from http://www.seamonkey-project.org/.
>>> Just unpack&  run from a home folder. That version will pickup and use
>>> your existing ~/.mozilla/seamonkey profile w/o issue.
>> Any idea if this will work in Puppy Linux Spup 040 (a Slackware
>> derivative).
> I would expect the tar of the binaries to work after you unpack it in a "good 
> place." For me that's /usr/local/seamonkey/2.0.6, put it where you will. I 
> create an icon on my (GNOME) toolbar to it, and customize the icon with the 
> version number.

I'd only put it in /usr/local if I planned to implement for multiple
users. Otherwise I've found that using a /home folder is cleaner &
safer. Plus the individual user can then use whatever version they wish.
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