I am puzzled.  In the Linux version of Seamonkey there
has always been a place to toggle whether one wants to
be asked prior to updates or to allow them to be done
automatically - in fact I recall an option to check
for them or not.

Have those options been removed?

Or do some updates bypass them?

Ed Mullen wrote:
Robert Kaiser wrote:
Ed Mullen schrieb:
Perhaps because I don't want YOU to change MY system?

Perhaps I just want YOU to be safe on the Internet?

well, I certainly appreciate your concern for my well being. Although,
I'm happy (and prefer) to take personal responsibility for my own security.

Anyhow, there's a hidden pref somewhere to make us prompt and destroy
your security, but go find it yourself, I won't waste my time on looking
it up.

I didn't say I wouldn't update. I'm simply objecting to the practice of
sw modifying itself without warning.


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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