Bill Spikowski wrote:
I created a new profile for Seamonkey 2 and am trying to manually transfer important data from Seamonkey 1.19. I've figured out how to move the address book and bookmarks but can't figure out where to put msgfilterrules.dat and training.dat, also the *.s and *.w files that I usually move -- are there instructions posted anywhere?

So I've not only been unable to figure out how to migrate these key files, but in trying, I've lost the ability to run my custom filters in SM 1.18. The original file msgFilterRules.dat is still where it belongs, but the filters have stopped working, and don't even appear in TOOLS | MESSAGE FILTERS.
I've given up trying to migrate the filters to Seamonkey 2, but does anyone 
know how I can restore them in 1.18?
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