James wrote:
Rick Merrill wrote:
James wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
James wrote:
Phillip Jones wrote:
James wrote:
I set up SeaMonkey with certificates for each email account. The
problem is to get the certificates recognized in Thunderbird and
versa. I keep getting the broken key symbol. Something similar
on the other end.

The certificates are functional between the accounts I manage, but
I do
not have any external correspondents with other certificate enabled
email clients to extend my range of testing.

Unless I get a solution soon, I must abandon SeaMonkey. Has anyone
compiled a list of email certificate problems, with or without

The same certificates will work just as good SeaMonkey as in
export your personal certificates (from Versign or thawte) to folder
(directory) on your hard drive. you will have to supply your password
used to create the certificate. and in some cases if you have
protected Thunderbird you'll have to supply that as well. When you
import into SM you have to supply those password(s) again.
Certificate meant for MS products will not work on Mozilla Products.
The certificate have to be customized by the company (Thawte /
Versign) for the email Client and the OS. But any customized for
Mozilla (or Netscape) works on any Mozilla Product.
You misunderstand. The certificates are properly installed and
but a recipient that is using Thunderbird can not read encrypted email
sent to him and I can not read encrypted email received from him.
SeaMonkey to SeaMonkey works fine. SeaMonkey to or from Thunderbird
not work at all.

Oh you and he is supposed to send you public key to each other. The
public key that each other receives works with the private keys if
they fit you can talk. Go to Versign and look up Private key and
Public key also look in SeaMonkey's help.

We each have traded certificate and public key data, yet it does not
function. No help here. I am not a novice as I have been using email
certificates for years without problems until I migrated to SeaMonkey.
Unless I get a solution, SeaMonkey is history as far as I am concerned.

Excuse me, but did you address the issue "Certificates meant for MS
products will not work on Mozilla Products"?

The certificates worked in Thunderbird without problems. They do not
work in SeaMonkey. I presume my initial inquiry was too complex.
*Certificate encrypted emails from SeaMonkey to Thunderbird do not
decrypt. Certificate encrypted emails from Thunderbird to SeaMonkey do
not decrypt.* That is as simple as I can explain the problem. Does
anyone have a solution?

Since both SeaMonkey and Thunderbird are both Mozilla products, I do not
see how your reference applies. I do not use Micro$oft products unless I
require a function found there that is not available elsewhere. For
instance, I use Micro$oft Internet Explorer for those web pages that do
not function using any other browser. Another example is that I only use
Micro$oft Word when I must manipulate lists where tabs and paragraph
marks must be used in 'search and replace' operations as Open Office
does not support that function.
How did you migrate the certificates did you do and export and then an import?

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.        "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
http://www.phillipmjones.net/       mailto:pjon...@kimbanet.com
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