I was composing a mail and suddently hop a crash !
bp-8ee1cb47-0e72-45c3-a70e-898c02101124 24/11/2010      10:52

The other previous crashes was with a older SM release than the 2.0.10
bp-3ba00bd6-775f-424f-8a47-c07262100906 06/09/2010      16:38
bp-92e89d65-f574-48a7-8004-408392100621 22/06/2010      01:33
bp-b02f521c-e8dd-4c49-a07a-004bb2100601 01/06/2010      18:07
bp-90b32942-ab32-4c38-92ba-077182100424 24/04/2010      17:57
bp-329923d0-7196-466c-886c-17c792100423 24/04/2010      01:37

I have permitted the transfer of the crash info to mozilla group.

Should i create a bug ? Or is it  a normal habitual SM2.0.10 crash ?

My installation is:
Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101027 NOT Firefox/3.5 SeaMonkey/2.0.10

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