Rufus wrote:
Ray_Net wrote:
Chris Ilias wrote:
On 10-11-25 9:13 AM, Ray_Net wrote:
I was composing a mail and suddently hop a crash !
bp-8ee1cb47-0e72-45c3-a70e-898c02101124 24/11/2010 10:52

The other previous crashes was with a older SM release than the 2.0.10
bp-3ba00bd6-775f-424f-8a47-c07262100906 06/09/2010 16:38
bp-92e89d65-f574-48a7-8004-408392100621 22/06/2010 01:33
bp-b02f521c-e8dd-4c49-a07a-004bb2100601 01/06/2010 18:07
bp-90b32942-ab32-4c38-92ba-077182100424 24/04/2010 17:57
bp-329923d0-7196-466c-886c-17c792100423 24/04/2010 01:37

I have permitted the transfer of the crash info to mozilla group.

Should i create a bug ? Or is it a normal habitual SM2.0.10 crash ?

My installation is:
Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US;
rv: Gecko/20101027 NOT Firefox/3.5 SeaMonkey/2.0.10

Your crash signature is:

There is a bug report for that at
<>, but it was fixed
5 months before SeaMonkey 2.0 was released.

Does the crash always occur when composing a message?

The already posted bug "resolved" speak about x86 Mac OSX FireFox
Unknown crash ID (error not really the same)

And mine is Windows XP SP3 SeaMonkey with the crash ID
"bp-8ee1cb47-0e72-45c3-a70e-898c02101124" giving error

This looks NOT the same problem ...

Yeah - Phil has already said mine is/are something totally different -
I've submitted a bug report.

I have answered/asked to Chris Ilias ... !!!!
Why did you jump on a MY thread !!!!
I don't care about YOUR problem .. STAY ON *YOUR* threads !!!!
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