jim wrote:
> Seamonkey 2.04
> Firefox 3.6.13
> I have a situation where my bookmarks are pretty well diverged now.
> They used to be synchronized when they both used html files but have
> not been for several years.
> I have seamonkey bookmarks that aren't in firefox and firefox
> bookmarks that aren't in seamonkey.
> Is there a clever way to merge the two places.sqlite files and end up
> with no duplicates?
> Thanks,
> jim

With the bookmarks in the sidebar you can drag and drop individual bookmarks 
into Seamonkey from Firefox. In Windows, open both programs and drag an 
individual bookmark to Seamonkey on the taskbar, keeping the left mouse 
button depressed. Seamonkey will popup. With the button still depressed, 
finish the operation by dragging the bookmark to the Seamonkey bookmark 
sidebar and let go. Not a great solution for synching 200 bookmarks, but 
better than nothing. BTW, I could never get this to work in the other 
direction, i.e., from Seamonkey to Firefox. 

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