Stan wrote:
CatThief wrote:
Stan wrote the following on 03-18-2011 11:17 AM:

I think this subject may have come up not too long ago but I couldn't
find it.

I got notification of an update to SeaTab X and installed it. Now I
would like to go back to the way it was but cannot find it.

Thanks Stan

You won't find the older version at my site. The latest version includes
bug fixes. Why do you want to revert back to the way it was?

I like the version where there is an X in each tab. Makes the most sense
and ease of use for me.
Just installed it myself, and I like it--it does just what you say you want. This is one of the 2 functions from the old 'MultiZilla' extension that I miss from SM v1.x (the other being tab focus change through mouse hover).

The difference for SeaTab X is which version you install, and that's based on which version of SM you're installing it into. If you have SM 2.0.x, you should have SeaTab X v 1.0.7. SM v2.1.x uses SeaTab X v1.1.2. Check your versions and uninstall/install as necessary.
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