Jens Hatlak wrote the following on 03-22-2011 6:47 PM:

CatThief wrote:
Philip Chee wrote the following on 03-21-2011 11:49 PM:
But that's not the default behaviour in SeaMonkey where a single
tab is
still closable. What happens if you close the last tab is that a new
blank tab automatically opens.

I'm actually thinking it is not intended behavior since the right-click
menuitem for "Close Tab" on a single tab is disabled. It would be simple
enough to fix, but it sounds like folks like it the way it is. :)

With trunk in mind: Actually the Close Tab context menu entry of the
last tab being disabled is inconsistent with the middle-click-on-tab
action, which always gives a blank tab, even if
browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab is true (which is the default). FF
gets this right:
pref = true: middle click does nothing, Close Tab is disabled
pref = false: middle click resets tab, Close Tab is enabled

Ahh yes, I see that. And I see that the close button does indeed appear along with a "Close Tab" context menuitem on the single tab in Fx when this pref is set false. If this pref is set false in SM, the "Close Tab" context menuitem remains disabled just as it does when the pref is set true.

Ok, so without getting too complex with the code in this extension, I should just back out the bit where the button is hidden if only one tab is open. I'll leave it up to users to decide if they want to hide it or not.


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