On Wed, 23 Mar 2011 09:25:33 -0400, Stan <s.c.pie...@comcast.net>

>I'd like to express my appreciation to all the developers and others who 
>have devoted themselves to keeping SeaMonkey alive and still the most 
>logical way for integrating browser, mail, newsgroups, and other things.
>I started in 1997 with Netscape and thanks to so many of you I am still 
>going strong on that path with SeaMonkey.  Thank you again for making 
>this possible.
>Stan Pierce

I'm with you in appreciating efforts to continue the old Netscape
grouping.  I use all four, have friends who I talked into using SM
composer for HTML work.  I don't use SM mail for news - got hooked on
Agent long ago - but have six mail accounts to keep me happy (I sure
like SM's mail-address book arrangement for addressing emails).

However, I have a couple websites where some parts do not work for my
SM browser but do work for other brands (IE, FF, Safari, Opera).  My
complaints have been met with "it works for us" reply - hard to fight
that when all communication is via their customer. One newer site is a
client's site that I now go to frequently.  I hafta try using FF as my
browser and see how comfortable I am working that way.

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