NoOp wrote:
On 04/23/2011 03:11 PM, Rufus wrote:
Robert Kaiser wrote:
Rufus schrieb:
BUT - when I did the same thing on my iMac running 10.6.7 booted with
the 32 bit kernel (which is the only way I can boot this machine) I
still had the "Launch in 32 bit mode" option displayed and unchecked
which I didn't expect - I would have expected it to be checked by
default, or not there at all. (I had actually expected it to not be
there at all...)

Does it actually run? If so, where's the problem?
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US;
rv: Gecko/20110320 SeaMonkey/2.0.13

Wouldn't rubus need the 64bit build?

No clue as I can no longer figure out which to use. But those links
imply that there *are* 64bit build for Macs, so I'm confused (Not a Mac
user) as to all the of info regarding SM autodetecting on 32 or 64bit

As you see, I'm not actually using the beta to post - and I'm bouncing back and fourth between two machines - one in 64 bit boot and another in 32 bit boot, but both running OS 10.6.7 SnoLep. I won't actually use it unless someone that knows something tells me I can run both the beta and my 2.0.13 installs on the same machine without screwing things up. Anybody?..

I would think I grabbed the 64 bit build given that I have an option to force it to launch in 32 bit mode...I'm thinking that the build is capable of both...or am I just being teased? I got it from here -

Nobody's really answering my questions about the actual code configuration and what it does, and I'm just trying to offer considerations from a Mac users POV and experience. It's not really clear what the beta is doing as far as 32/64 bit goes. At least not on a Mac.

     - Rufus
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