Jay Garcia wrote:

> Linda wrote:
>>> I have a problem with updating my web page. I get this
>>> "553 Can't open that file: No such file or directory"
>>> The page I am trying to update www.thuneforsakeri.se
>>> Please help me with this!
> [sig trimmed]
> Only problem I have is the language, other than that the page looks
> ok. What exactly are clicking on to produce the error?

Since this is the SeaMonkey group, possibly the error is in Composer?
But, the page was written with DreamWeaver, so a lot more details are
necessary for sure.

In addition, there are page errors. It uses an XHTML doctype, but is
written in HTML.

Errors found while checking this document as XHTML 1.0 Transitional!
Result:   52 Errors, 22 warning(s)

There isn't enough CSS to matter.
It also refreshes itself every 300 seconds, hardly necessary.

   -Four wheels carry the body; two wheels move the soul
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