sean bean wrote:
>Google is likely telling you your browser is not supported because
>Google wants to set all sorts of cookies and location awareness data
>in your browser,

>which SeaMonkey generally doesn't allow by default

While I laud your suspicion of megacorporations,
your accusations about Google are way off the mark.
The truth is much simpler:
1) Google has embraced Web 2.0.
2) Google employees don't know the *basics* of what they are doing.

Some time back, Google announced that
their efforts going forward would require users to have
a browser with good support for HTML 4, CSS, and JavaScript.[1]
Most of the headlines of that time
specifically mention Internet Exploder 6.

Google is sniffing for browsers
and blackballing those it deems unworthy of accessing its pages.
Again, sniffing is a stupid practice;
using it *incorrectly* is monumentally stupid.

It is obvious that the Google employees who implemented this
are unaware that the **proper** way to sniff is to
look for **the HTML rendering engine** in the user agent string
(Trident, WebKit, Gecko, Presto, etc.).
They are instead showing their ignorance by looking for browser names.

>i avoid google as much as humanly possible...
Mostly, I adore Google.
Mostly, they "get it" and mostly they get it right
(considering all the SEO asswipes who try to game the system).

This instance is a failure of management to oversee workers;
quite possibly a failure of managers
to understand the job better than their underlings.
[1] As I mentioned,
to just do searches, you can turn off most of that stupid shit.[2][3]
OTOH, Google Docs, viewing PDFs as Web pages, etc.
requires the bells and whistles.

[2] When I recently used a Web terminal at the library,
I didn't remember any of Google's numerical IP addresses
and couldn't access the Google preferences either.
What an irritating experience.
Using Windoze (with right-click totally disabled by the "experts")
gave me a rash as well.
Using Internet Exploder also sucked.
(M$ tried to imitate Mozilla's tabs--and failed.)

[3] I haven't yet found a Userscript that
gets rid of the wasted space on results pages
down the left side of my narrow screen.  >8-|
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