Rufus schrieb:, Microsoft redux...big deal - Apple's turn. They make a product
which suits my desires. So I'll buy it and use it...I don't really care
about much more than that, from a user standpoint.

So then you have no right to want anything their app store doesn't provide. They don't give you that right, after all.

Again - unwillingness to do the work to bring a product to market. It's
not "impossible", it's not "prohibited"...

Again, you have not understood anything. Using our technology is prohibited and therefore impossible on their products, and that makes it impossible to port our software there. So we don't even think about if it would be useful. Even this discussion here is a waste of our precious developer time.

That's where you're seriously missing the mark.

No, you are missing the mark. But as you don't want to understand, I'll end this discussion and turn to doing things that makes sense.

Robert Kaiser

Note that any statements of mine - no matter how passionate - are never meant to be offensive but very often as food for thought or possible arguments that we as a community should think about. And most of the time, I even appreciate irony and fun! :)
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