Jens Hatlak wrote:
MCBastos wrote:

- Provide an alternative, less intrusive feedback (like a statusbar
mini-icon) to show that Sync is working/worked/failed?

Sync had a status bar icon in the beginning but it was removed for several
reasons (one was the idea that Sync should "just work", the other that the
status bar was replaced by the add-ons bar in FF). Now that the SM Sync UI code
is under our control, we could of course revert that decision, but to me that's
not a top priority and maybe we'll switch to the add-ons bar at some point in
time, too (active by default probably, acting like the current status bar, but
with the ability to put customizable toolbar buttons like the Sync one there).
You may of course file an enhancement bug for your suggestion.

I agree that SOMETHING is needed to show that Sync is working, preferably something that could be disabled ("Don't show this window again"). As is, one has no idea if Sync is working, how it's working, if it's stopped working, etc.

I love this feature!
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