JeffM wrote:
JeffM wrote:
those folks who are prone to complaining
*should* be the ones who point out shortcomings
**when something can more easily be done about those**
i.e. **early** aka **during pre-release**.

Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:
All right , then where does the developer coouncil/
governing body publish the details of the planned
changes to be introduced in the next release,
so that interested users can make their comments known

It sounds like you are back on the *whining* track.

I'm **not** talking about people sitting on their butts
and flapping their gums.
I'm talking about people USING the pre-release versions
and FINDING flaws and REPORTING those
aka **earning** the right to comment.

There seems to be a lot of
*looking a gift horse in the mouth* going on
without those folks lifting a finger **before** they grouse.

Well Jeff, thank you for your oh so substantive reply :)

You do realize that by the time there is a released pre-release
version (for users to adopt), all the feature changes
have been set in concrete.
Oh the chosen implementations may have coding errors,
but the features and how they are to behave, have been
selected _and_coded_ . There is no going back to the
design stage on that.
So for anybody who doesn't like the "new and improved"
features, you say "Too bad, You should have told me
earlier" .
And then you post accusing us of: whining and butt sitting
and gum flapping when asked about where we are to find
the new version features planning document.
Tut, tut ...

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