On 7/21/2011 6:15 PM, km wrote:
... it is gud for people to make comments abt what needs
to be fixed with 'sm' BUTT these same people should suggest
a way to implement their solution <code>.

... if you are NOT technical you should STFU!

I'm not sure if your vitriol was meant against us Developers/People who do code/work on SeaMonkey in our free time.

Or if it was against the users who constantly post here with suggestions about the software they choose to use for their daily lives, but have no coding knowledge.

Either way, PLEASE take this sort of comments elsewhere, they are unwelcome on these newsgroups.

(I for one, do NOT expect every suggestion/user/complaint to be accompanied by <code> in any form; while those who can help by coding their thoughts are certainly more likely to have their solution in SeaMonkey earlier, that is mostly due to time constraints on us few who do the work.)

~Justin Wood (Callek)
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