Rob, and others, it's apparently not as easy to go back to an earlier SM as you think. Here's part of what I posted on another thread:

>Looks like I can't go back to SM 2.0.18 (I think it was) which is what I was using before. The 'Known Issues' note for SM 2.2 is headed (in bold), 'Data loss warning' and continues: 'If you use a profile with this or any later version and then try to go back to SeaMonkey 2.0, SeaMonkey will rename your history file to places.sqlite.corrupt and create a new places.qlite file, effectively resetting your browsing history.'

>Well, I don't pretend to understand all of that, but it does seem to be saying that I will lose data if I try to restore the SM version I had before. No?

- Ken (in Oz)
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