Mike wrote:
Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:

Please, I do not want tabs. At all. Period.

Maybe at least give them a try for a while? If you did, fine. I just
know that change is inevitable. Changes in browsers, OS's, Office
suites, etc bug /me/ sometimes because I'm used to how it worked for so
long. But at some point, you're likely to no longer be able to change
new versions to old functionality. When such changes occur, I always
force myself to work with it as is for a couple weeks at least. More
often than not, I find that the new way is then preferable to the old way.

Why not creating only one option in preferrence browser like [ ] No Tabs.
Instead of a lot of tab options/parameters in Tab-Browing *and* in Link-Behavior ?
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