On 8/1/11, Bill Davidsen <david...@tmr.com> wrote:
> Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) wrote:
>> d...@kd4e.com wrote:
>>> If security is the problem then get rid of your MS version of windows
>>> and get a Linux-based windows interface and operating system.
>> With all due respect, advising a Windows user to ditch Windows
>> and install Linux is about as helpful as advising a Seamonkey
>> user to ditch Seamonkey and start using Internet Explorer.
> Saw this reported in other places as well.
> http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/07/30/internet-explorer-users-are-dumber-study-shows/

which is pretty funny, considering this thread being about upgrading:
  "From the test results, it is a clear indication that individuals on
the lower side
   of the IQ scale tend to resist a change/upgrade of their browsers."

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