> Rufus wrote:
Stanimir Stamenkov wrote:
Mon, 01 Aug 2011 14:32:01 -0400, /d...@kd4e.com/:

If 2.0.14 is working fine, as it is for us as well, why bother with
an upgrade?

If security is the problem then get rid of your MS version of windows
and get a Linux-based windows interface and operating system.

How would installing Linux with SeaMonkey 2.0.14 help the security of my

...by not allowing *anything* else in the wild to be able to run on your
machine...including the stuff you depend on.

I'm on a Mac, and I'm staying with 2.0.14 myself...I may not even
consider another SM update until 3.x or something like that,just based
on what I've been reading here.

When it comes to security common sense, vigilance, and 3rd party defense
are far more important than what version of/or what browser you're
using. The more I learn about browsing and hacking from my security
people at work the less confidence I have in so called "security
updates" for browsers - *any* browser...I'd stick with 2.0.14 on any
platform, if it's performing the task(s) you need performed.

OpenDNS is helpful, too.


Thanks! & 73, KD4E
David Colburn http://kd4e.com
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