Pat Connors sent me the following::
Okay, I just got home after a week away and see there is another new
version of SM. I am still on 2.0.14 and didn't update to 2.2 because of
all the complaints. Now we have 2.3 and more complaints. I really don't
know what to do. I like the version I am using. I am using Windows 7
which seems to complicate all new program updates.

Just wondering how others using Win 7 have managed with the new update.

my two cents:

SeaMonkey 2.1 and 2.2 have been virtually flawless...there may have been a few niggling details which irked me personally... but none rose to the level of making me decide to remain in the insecure 2.0.x series...

i keep backups of my address books and my bookmarks... but haven't had any need to import them since jumping to 2.1...

one of the things folks in this group need to realize is, change in inevitable... progress moves forward... no e'mail program in the 2010's can afford to remain static... lest it whither away with the dying off of its intransigent user base...

given how few people actually send e'mail anymore outside of their cell phones, we are lucky to still have an independent e'mail/browser combo that remains in development based the gecko/mozilla...

personally i've found the tabs in the e'mail section quite useful... but the program isn't forcing you to use them...


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