On 11-08-12 12:06 AM, Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:
Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Rostyslaw Lewyckyj wrote:
Chris Ilias wrote:

I removed it. See

Do you mean that you censored, removed, deleted, PhillipJones' article
from the Mozilla News server?
If so, Why?

Yes, I removed it from the Mozilla news server, because of Phillip's misinformation like Firefox running itself into the ground, and Mozilla demanding the SeaMonkey council what to do.

Justin, Robert, and everyone else shouldn't have to waste their time constantly correcting Phillip. It takes focus and energy away from SeaMonkey support.

The link you provide above takes me to a google groups login page.

All my tries to retrieve previous articles by clicking on Message-IDs or
the numbers assigned them in the References: list are directed by SM
to the google groups login page. When did you folks begin doing that
(even for articles listed as present on the Mozilla News server)?

I don't get a login page, I just get the post Chris intended to cite:

Curious. How come your attempt to reach that URL goes through, while
mine goes to login page? Curious.
Do you get an automatic logon to google groups?
Oh and thanks for the copy of the article.

If I open a new browser profile having not logged into any sites including google, the URL takes me to the post. So I think perhaps you were already logged in to a Google account for another service (like Gmail) and Google wanted to know if you want to use that account in Groups. That's my guess. It's a Google issue.

Chris Ilias
View profile More options Jun 15, 4:47 pm

On 11-06-15 2:13 PM, PhillipJones wrote:

> That's typical of developers. If they don't use it, whether user it,
> it gone be daxxxed.

Phillip, prejudice comments like that are not welcome here. In the past,
you've spread a lot of misinformation about developers, Mozilla,
SeaMonkey, and me, and smeared them with bigoted comments. Enough is
enough. From now on, if you post an accusation against Mozilla, the
SeaMonkey council, or developers, *without backing it up* , your post
will be removed.

I thought that master Ilias was pointing me to a copy of PhillipJones'
missing article. The part of MR. Jones' post quoted in Mr. Calleks'
posting wasn't at all unduly critical of Mozilla and SeaMonkey, and
not even mentioning master Ilias
Does master Ilias have a grudge feud with Jones, and is playing tin
god ? and does he do this with the authority and approval of the
SeaMonkey council or on his own whim?

See <http://www.mozilla.org/about/forums/cancellation.html> and <http://groups.google.com/group/mozilla.governance/msg/bac6c88e0dae1fe6> (Sorry, I couldn't find the message on a different archive, but try visiting that URL in a different profile)

This discussion itself is OT. If you'd like to reply to this message, please email me with a valid return address, thanks. Replies to this message posted in the newsgroup will be removed.

Chris Ilias <http://ilias.ca>
Newsgroup moderator
support-seamonkey mailing list

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