I had a nasty surprise this morning I received an update message for Forms History Control 2.0 form current version 1.9.23. After the install The Application immediately hung then crashed and burned.

Luckily it was the only thing that was done and didn't have time to download any emails.

And I use a Mac and was able to use Time Machine to go to the last nights Profile and restore last night profile.

Why am I sticking with 2.0.14? *NoSquint*. NoSquint is so vital to me I will not upgrade to the latest versions of SM. If someone will come up with a NoSquint Equivalent or convert NoSquint I will move. Otherwise I am not budging.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.        "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
http://www.phillipmjones.net        mailto:pjon...@kimbanet.com
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