Justin Wood (Callek) wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Where can I look to find some accurate information on SM 2.6.x Profile
structure/contents - i.e.; what is where, and required/not required by
SM 2.6.x file-wise?

"the code" is your best source of accurate information. (I know its not
the answer you were/are looking for, but there is nothing more accurate
than that)

Yeah...that's not really what I'm looking for, as I'm not a coder past much more than FORTRAN and/or Pascal...SM is written in C-something, right?

I just want to know what's in the Profile of a clean install of 2.6.1. The Migration scrip seems like it's left a few now useless items in the Profile - like the old .html Bookmarks file.

Also - what's with these new "smart" folders in the Bookmarks Menu? Which I don't want, and can and have deleted. But how can I create one that I might want?

And what's the "Unsorted Bookmarks" thing, and how can I delete that?

     - Rufus
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