Jens Hatlak wrote:
Chris Ilias wrote:
On 12-01-29 9:08 PM, _Rufus_ spoke thusly:
And what's the "Unsorted Bookmarks" thing, and how can I delete that?

As far as I know, the Unsorted Bookmarks folder is not removable.

Right, you can only hide it using CSS:

#BMB_unsortedBookmarksFolderMenu { display: none !important; }

BTW: Unsorted Bookmarks is missing from the Bookmarks menu in current SM
versions but will appear there with SM 2.9.



That's ok by me - "Unsorted" should mean they aren't in a folder anyway. Having them show up that way to Manage but out in the open at bottom of the Menu or Sidebar feels perfectly acceptable, IMO.

     - Rufus
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