Doors wrote:

I am happy say that SM2.7 does have few very nice changes.
It is finally worth upgrading from 2.0.14 which I have avoided for a
number of reasons.

The only thing left for me at this point is a version that does not use
the insufficiently cussable user profiles and is still upgradable.

I have SM in portable, but they can't be upgraded.
Once I have good enough C/C++ skills, I simply roll my own.
In the mean time though.

For those of us to whom tabs are a cuss word and the new find bar is a
horror, there are some easy fixes.

The find bar is a quick fix, it takes only moments.

Open about:config

type browser.findbar.enabled

into the seatrch bar.

Toggle it to false by clicking on it.
Close page, done.

As for those pesky tabs, well that is a lot more complicated.

edit ->  preferences ->  browser ->  tabbed browsing ->  tab display
Set 'hide the tab bar when only one tab is open'.

edit ->  preferences ->  browser ->   tabbed browsing ->  open tabs instead
CLEAR   both entries in it

goto  edit ->  preferences ->  browser ->  link behavior

Set all three entries starting at the bottom.

 From other application - New window

Link open behavior -
New Window for scripts
New window for links

The next part is harder.

Find open.ja (Was open.jar, blame micro$oft)
It is in the install directory.
'/Program files/seamonkey' of your boot drive or there abouts normally.
Not a clue for mac or linux.

Rename it to a zip and extract to 'omni' directory
Navigate to .>omni\chrome\comm\content\communicator
Locate nscontextmenu.js, I used notepad++ to open it.

locate the following section
// Open linked-to URL in a new tab.
   openLinkInTab: function(aEvent) {
     // Determine linked-to URL.
        //Doors - Kill Tabs
     return openNewWindowWith(this.linkURL,;
// return openNewTabWith(this.linkURL,, null,
//                          aEvent);

// Open frame in a new tab.
   openFrameInTab: function(aEvent) {
     // Determine linked-to URL.
        //Doors - Kill Tabs
     return openNewWindowWith(,
//  return openNewTabWith(,
//                , null, aEvent);

I copied the new window commands to the new tab procedures.
Look at the // comment lines and compare them to your text editor.

Once those lines are modified save it.

Then go to the onmi directory, select everything and zip it.
Use store or fastest for the zip setting.
Rename it to 'omni.ja'
copy it to the sdame directory as the already renamed

Now here is the weird part.

Yuo see, I did all this over the lasty few versions of seamonkey to no
affect at all.
It turns out there is a silent cache option that we as the user have no
control over what so ever.
I stumbled across this one when the open.jar got renamed to open.ja
because of Micro$oft and restore points.

In order to have your changes to omni.ja show up and get used you have
to purge the cache.

What cache you ask?
Apparently no one thought it worth documenting that the omni.ja and
several other things are cached not read at run time.
So all changes are invisible and that function is hidden.

The way to 'fix?' this is to use what is an apparently undocumented
command line option ' -purgecaches'

Just append the dash purgecaches without the single quotes to your
shortcut and any chages you make happen at the next launch.

I will warn you thuogh, using that ciommandline option does have some

It made my SM2.7 launch time go from 4 seconds to 5.
So beware, it will take you 25% longer to launch it that way.

Of course once you have launched it and purged the caches, whatever it
refers to, you don't need to use it again until you make more changes.

I hope I haven't offended anyone with my predijuce against the searchbar
or Tabs in general.
I don't consider them eveil, just anoying, confusing and worthless to

Of course if you frag things, you can simply COPY to omni.ja
and be back right where you started.
You then extract again and start over.

Hope this helps.

Not user friendly and not easy to do it. I will not modify the .ja(too hard for me) evenwhile i HATE tabs.
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