On 2/10/12 5:10 PM, MCBastos wrote:
> I notice that a Seamonkey 2.7.1 has just been released (as well as
> Firefox 10.0.1. It's not yet available from the "get updates" menu, but
> since Firefox IS, I expect Seamonkey will eventually be also.
> I had to dig a bit around, and the best I could find was this:
> "Firefox 10.0.1 fixes critical issues that came to light shortly after
> Firefox 10 had been released to the public. This includes at least one
> startup crash when the browser is opened by the user, and one Java
> related issue that is causing text fields to hang in the browser.
> Firefox users can resolve that issue manually by minimizing or resizing
> the browser. The patch released later today will fix the issues
> permanently though."

Two extensions that I use were rendered disabled by SM 2.7.1: Password
Exporter and Show my Password.  I have four different profiles, all of
which have Show my Password and three of which have Password Exporter.

Tweaking install.rdf for the installed Password Exporter in the profile
that is always selected when launching SeaMonkey re-enabled that
extension for that profile.  That did not work for the other two
profiles where it was installed.

The install.rdf file for Show my Password had already been tweaked to
allow compatibility through SeaMonkey 2.9.*.  However, that did not
enable it for any extension.

I had to re-install these two extensions (after tweaking install.rdf for
the XPI installer of Password Exporter) to enable them in their profiles.

Is this a bug in Addons Manager?  Or is this a problem with the


David E. Ross

Anyone who thinks government owns a monopoly on inefficient, obstructive
bureaucracy has obviously never worked for a large corporation.
© 1997 by David E. Ross
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