On Tue, 14 Feb 2012 08:11:46 -0800
Doors <doorsremov...@freedoors.com> wrote:

> Sorry for sounding mad, I am not, just frustrated.
> I would be far less frustrated if getting started weren't so steep.
> Then I could just change back what is to my eyes, broken.

You're not alone to think like that!

Some mind crippled devs apparently want to do as governments does:
think for you.

Having used firefox & sm for a very long time, my conclusion is 
these people are acting the big corporations sens: cookies very
hard to destroy, suddenly NoScript is tremendously slowing
down the browser ("plugin fault" they say...), etc.

For myself, holding users in such a contempt is not tolerable, and I
hope users will do like me: switch to another browser where devs are
listening to users.

Lay on, MacDuff, and curs'd be him who first cries, "Hold, enough!".
                -- Shakespeare
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