Interviewed by CNN on 14/02/2012 14:11, Doors told the world:

> What happened to 'File' in bookmarks, it used to be easy, direct and
> obvious.
> You selected file, it popped up a tree viewyou could scrioll if needed,
> and you clicked where you wanted it, now you have to use some funky
> folder menu you you have to open then navigate, I used to be able to
> just click, now I have to navigate, why?
> Is the old USABLE one still there just hidden?
> If so, where please?
> Who decided that bookmarks needs to be a bloody sql file?

Bookmarks.html was fine, if the only thing you expected from bookmarks
was a static list you searched manually.

The move to a sql database was part of the "Places" feature that debuted
in Firefox a few years ago, and in Seamonkey in version 2.1. The main
advantage is that search inside the places.sqlite is very fast, even if
you have several thousand bookmarks. This allows a number of new
features, such as:
- The history/bookmarks autofill search when you start typing an URL on
the address bar;
- The little symbol that tells you if you have already bookmarked the
current site.

Also, the database format is better suited for the "Firefox Sync"
feature -- one that I personally love, since I can have the same
bookmarks in my desktop Seamonkey, my desktop Firefox, my Portable
Seamonkey and my Android Firefox.

A very minor feature is that the website icons are now stored inside the
database itself. Under the old system, website icons on bookmarks were
almost useless -- they worked only for the sites you visited often.
Icons from sites you hadn't visited in a while were cleared from the
cache and disappeared from the bookmark lists.


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