A few more things that I forgot to mention...

I have been using Seamonkey since Netscape came in a box. I probably should start over with a new profile. I have not needed to do that in a long time though, so some things in there could be slowing me down and I do not realize it.

I have 16GB of RAM, very modern multi-core CPU etc. Seamonkey only goes up to 2GB before it maxes out. Right now, I am at 500MB real / 1GB VS.

Jesse Molina wrote:

Hi all

I use Seamonkey. Both mail and the browser.

My platform is Linux 32-bit.

I leave my computer running constantly and the only time Seamonkey gets
restarted is when it crashes or when it gets so slow that I just kill it
and restart.

I have a tenancy to run with maybe twenty windows, each with an average
of five tabs each.

Eventually, once or twice a week, Seamonkey just crashes or I kill it
because it has frozen up or become so slow that I can not take it any
more. I often find that the first symptom of over-usage is that drag-and
drop of tabs and mail items stops working.

Are there any recommendations for configuration options, environment,
plugins to use/not-use, etc for my situation?

I have gotten into the habit of bookmarking windows and their tabs and
then opening then when I need them, but my usage of so many windows is
legitimate and it slows down my work when I have to go searching the
bookmarks list for the tabs I need to reference.

Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations for me?

Thanks in advance.

# Jesse Molina
# Mail = je...@opendreams.net
# Page = page-je...@opendreams.net
# Cell = 1.602.323.7608
# Web  = http://www.opendreams.net/jesse/

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