On Tue, 28 Feb 2012 21:18:22 +0100, Francesco Presel wrote:
> I have just been forced to kill and restart SeaMonkey after it ate up 
> most of my memory.
> Today, I have opened far more many tabs than usual (I usually have 5-6 
> at a time maximum, but I had to do some image researches on the web and 
> to keep many results open at the same time).
> Every now and then, I closed all those extra tabs, opened some new, ..., 
> and in the meantime the computer got slower and slower.
> I finally closed all tabs but 6, but the computer was still slow; from 
> the system monitor it came out that SM was using 2.6 GB of memory!
> After restarting and restoring the same 6 tabs, it was using just 300MB 
> of memory (which is what SM uses on average on my computer). So, what 
> were the other 2.3 GB used for? It looks as if SM does not properly 
> deallocate memory when tabs are closed

To find out what the other 2.3 GB is used for type about:memory in the
location (url) bar. If that doesn't give you enough information, at the
bottom of the about:memory page is a "verbose" button.

> Technical info: Linux 64bit, using SM 2.7.2 64 bit (from Ubuntuzilla 
> repo); total RAM 3.2GB + 4.7 GB swap


Philip Chee <phi...@aleytys.pc.my>, <philip.c...@gmail.com>
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