Daniel wrote:
Daniel wrote:
NoOp wrote:
Since updgrading from sM 2.7.x to 2.8, I notice in newsgroups that I get
a 'wait icon' cursor when the cursor is anywhere outside of the message
text body. Doesn't matter which newggroup/newserver, and does not occur
when in the email window. Is anyone else experiencing the same?

Screenshot of what I am talking about is here:

Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:11.0) Gecko/20120312
Firefox/11.0 SeaMonkey/2.8
But also happens with the Windows version.

Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686 on x86_64; rv:11.0)
Gecko/20120312 SeaMonkey/2.8

Me Too! except the very top (Title??) bar that reads "SM 2.8 + Newsgroup
Cursor - mozilla.support.seamonkey - Mozilla - SeaMonkey"

More detail.....in the Header of a newsgroup post, on the "Subject:",
"Date:" and "Newsgroups:" lines my mouse icon shows as an Iron bar sign,
on the "From:", "References:" and "Route: lines the mouse icon is a
"flashing arrow with clock" icon............except that whilst I have
this Compose page open, the Icon, even on the full news group screen, is
a normal arrow!!!

Is this what someone else was referring to in one of the posts I've read
this evening??

And here I am, with a perfectly working mouse icon.....maybe it being a Sunday evening is having a good effect!!

Anyone Else??

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