On 12-03-31 3:11 AM, Jens Hatlak wrote:
I think this has a *very* nice touch. I always thought about creating
screen casts myself (though in my case rather for advanced things like
using DOM Inspector and the JavaScript Debugger). Care to let us know
how you created them, and which tools you used? I'd be very interested
in that (and others too I guess!).

1. Made sure any windows recorded were 800x600 by using Sizer <http://www.brianapps.net/sizer/> 2. Recorded using BBFlashback Express <http://www.bbsoftware.co.uk/BBFlashBack_FreePlayer.aspx>.
3. Exported to uncompressed AVI file.
4. Converted to webm with Free WebM Encoder <http://webmsoft.com/free-webm-encoder.html>. There are probably better converters out there now. That's just what I happen to have.

I also see you already have something related to styling bookmarks on
the Personal Toolbar (BTW: It's called Bookmarks Toolbar now since
2.9b1). Care to add a page for hiding entries from the Bookmarks menu?
Like this:

#BMB_feedsMenu {display:none !important;}

Thanks. I'll add that when 2.9 comes out.

Which brings me to my last request, which is to offer users an easy way
to provide feedback on each page. I think some people will have
questions, suggest improvements, or maybe find mistakes.

My contact link is at the bottom of every page (part of the footer).

Chris Ilias <http://ilias.ca>
Newsgroup moderator
support-seamonkey mailing list

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