Caution - In mindset I've just made a move from 1.?? to 2.3.2. When I made a tardy move from 1.? to 2.0.? , I did the absolute minimum as I had other "problems" to deal with.

I have a problem with displaying multiple pages saved choosing
Bookmarks -> Bookmark This Group of Tabs

Under SM 2.0.8 , clicking on the group's identifier would *automatically* display _all_ the associated pages. [MY preferred response]

Under SM 2.3.2 , the default behavior when clicking on the group's identifier is to display a sub-menu individually displaying each site and then a 'display all" option. The *ONLY* option want is display all. If I will be interested in displaying only one of a "related set' of pages, I would have bookmarked it/them using "File Bookmark" option.

Before being told RTFM, I'm so lost as to not know appropriate keyword(s) for search ;/
[P.S. I've had 'pleasure' of writing IM's in past ;]


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