Interviewed by CNN on 06/04/2012 22:07, Richard Owlett told the world:
> Caution - In mindset I've just made a move from 1.?? to 
> 2.3.2. When I made a tardy move from 1.? to 2.0.? , I did 
> the absolute minimum as I had other "problems" to deal with.
> I have a problem with displaying multiple pages saved choosing
> Bookmarks -> Bookmark This Group of Tabs
> Under SM 2.0.8 , clicking on the group's identifier would 
> *automatically* display _all_ the associated pages. [MY 
> preferred response]
> Under SM 2.3.2 , the default behavior when clicking on the 
> group's identifier is to display a sub-menu individually 
> displaying each site and then a 'display all" option. The 
> *ONLY* option  want is display all. If I will be interested 
> in displaying only one of a "related set' of pages, I would 
> have bookmarked it/them using "File Bookmark" option.
> Before being told RTFM, I'm so lost as to not know 
> appropriate keyword(s) for search ;/
> [P.S. I've had 'pleasure' of writing IM's in past ;]

Unfortunately, the "groupmark" functionality was lost on the transition
from XPFE (the old interface kit used on Seamonkey 1.x) to the Firefox
toolkit (used since 2.0). The transition was necessary because there was
not people to maintain the old XPFE toolkit, and as time went it became
harder and harder to make it work with current versions of the Gecko
engine. And the Firefox guys are not interested in recreating the
"groupmark" feature.

Therefore, there is no longer a "group identifier" -- groupmarks were
converted into subfolders in the bookmarks tree. What you are referring
to as a "group identifier" is just the folder name now.

The old behavior can be approximated, however, by *middle*-clicking (or
Ctrl+clicking) on the folder title. It took me a couple weeks to get
used to the new behavior, but I found it an acceptable substitute. Most
Windows mice nowadays have either a middle button or a clickable scroll


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