NoOp wrote:
On 04/08/2012 03:03 AM, A Williams wrote:
NoOp wrote:
List of updates for 11.2 from Evergreen
These are the updates for openSUSE 11.2 made by the Evergreen project.
The list is sorted with latest updates first.
[seamonkey released Bug #750044 see changelog ver. 2.8]


That would also indicate to me that they provide all of the necessary
packages/libs to run SeaMonkey 2.8. Perhaps you can/should upgrade?

I have been keeping "up to date" using the 11.2 Evergreen Repo.  I just
checked on one of the Evergreen machines and the newest level available
there is the one I have installed.  Yes, I now see that the Opensuse
Evergreen link says 2.8 is available but neither of the standard update
tools (zypper and YaST) agree.  Nor does
- no Seamonkey at all, the i586 branch just shows the old level.

I suspect for 64bit you'd use this one:
Unless of course you are running an Itanium processor... For that you'd
have ask if anyone has built an ia64 version.

This 11.2 repo shows seamonkey-2.7.2-2.2.i586.rpm:
And the same for 64bit:

The 2.8 Evergreen versions are here:

As I mentioned, I only use Ubuntu/Debian/Fedora, so I'm not familiar
with openSUSE and/or Evergreen. Sorry I can't be of more help.

In the last 10 days I have had one machine where the root partition was damaged, files missing in /bin, /etc and somewhere else as well. Only that partition was affected. /usr, /home, /var, /boot were all ok. Still an absolute pain to recover from. The cause is still unknown but it feels as though I was cracked.

Then the power supply went on my other main machine. Cause unknown but totally unrelated to the first problem of course.

Finally I have the time to go back to this problem. That last link did the job - the main Evergreen repository still has the old Seamonkey but the Test one has the new Seamonkey and it works. Of course it had updates to another 60-odd packages but none of them has toasted this machine :-)

Thank you, you may not know SuSE but you still provided all the help I could possibly have asked for. Now I'll post another problem . . .
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