David E. Ross wrote:
On 5/9/12 11:52 AM, Larry S. wrote:
Sailfish wrote:
My bloviated meandering follows what Larry S. graced us with on 5/9/2012
11:12 AM:
SM 2.9.1 on XP SP3.

Center-clicking on a link opens a new tab, as it should. However, the
new tab is "behind" the previous tab, and requires pointing and
clicking on the tab to display it.

In SM 2.8, before upgrading, the new tab opened "in front" and was
immediately readable.

I must have changed some preference, but can't figure out which one.
Can anyone help? I'd be very appreciative!


1. Open Preferences via "Edit>Preferences..."
2. Navigate to "Browser>Tabbed Browsing" and enable "Switch to new tabs
when opened from links" checkbox

Good suggestion, but no joy -- it was already checked.
Thanks for helping, though!

Windows XP SP3
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:12.0) Gecko/20120429 SeaMonkey/2.9.1

That works for me.

The preference variable in "about:config" is
browser.tabs.loadInBackground.  The value is "true" to have the new tab
behind the old one and "false" to have the new tab in front.

Hmm . . . It's set to "false", which I would expect from my Preferences. However, there's another setting, "services.sync.prefs.sync.browser.tabs.loadInBackground;true",
which would seem to conflict. Possible?
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