Jim Taylor wrote:
> Jay O'Brien wrote:
>> I have two computers on my desktop, both running SM. One, a Windows
>> 7 64-bit machine, when I double-click on an attached pdf file
>> displays the pdf in Adobe reader. The other computer, XP 32-bit,
>> displays the files as an application/pdf Object in the SM browser,
>> not in Adobe reader.
>> What sets this action?
>> Thanks,
>> Jay O'Brien
> That action is set in Adobe Reader.  You don't say what version you
> have so it might not be in the same place in all versions.  In my
> Reader X (version 10) it is Edit-Preferences-Internet and check or
> uncheck "Display PDF in browser" in right pane under Web Browser Options.

I've recently begun having the same problem, all on Windows XP
machines. On my home computers, PDFs open in the SM browser (my
preference), but at work, after a recent SM upgrade, they began
opening in my full version of Adobe Acrobat. All the machines use the
same operating system and the identical version of SM

Acrobat has the same preference settings as Reader; my problem is not
there, as my preference is already set to "display PDF in browser."

It also has nothing to do with email settings for attached files; my
problem is PDFs opened from web links.

I've followed other advice offered in this NG but I've never figured
out where the glitch is, or how to restore the behavior I prefer...

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