Jim Taylor wrote:
> BIll Spikowski wrote:
>> Jim Taylor wrote:
>>> Jay O'Brien wrote:
>>>> I have two computers on my desktop, both running SM. One, a Windows
>>>> 7 64-bit machine, when I double-click on an attached pdf file
>>>> displays the pdf in Adobe reader. The other computer, XP 32-bit,
>>>> displays the files as an application/pdf Object in the SM browser,
>>>> not in Adobe reader.
>>>> What sets this action?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Jay O'Brien
>>> That action is set in Adobe Reader.  You don't say what version you
>>> have so it might not be in the same place in all versions.  In my
>>> Reader X (version 10) it is Edit-Preferences-Internet and check or
>>> uncheck "Display PDF in browser" in right pane under Web Browser
>>> Options.
>> I've recently begun having the same problem, all on Windows XP
>> machines. On my home computers, PDFs open in the SM browser (my
>> preference), but at work, after a recent SM upgrade, they began
>> opening in my full version of Adobe Acrobat. All the machines use the
>> same operating system and the identical version of SM
>> Acrobat has the same preference settings as Reader; my problem is not
>> there, as my preference is already set to "display PDF in browser."
>> It also has nothing to do with email settings for attached files; my
>> problem is PDFs opened from web links.
>> I've followed other advice offered in this NG but I've never figured
>> out where the glitch is, or how to restore the behavior I prefer...
> The only think else I know to check is SeaMonkey's Helper Applications
> settings.  Edit-Preferences-Browser-Helper Applications scroll right
> panel down to Adobe Acrobat Document and make sure it is set to your
> preference of either "Use Adobe Reader" or "Use Adobe Acrobat (in
> SeaMonkey)".  If that is OK I don't know where else to look.

I tried this, selecting "Use Adobe Acrobat (in SM)" -- but then it
opened PDFs with Adobe Reader in SM, not what I wanted.

So I uninstalled Adobe Reader; then it began opening PDFs in Adobe
Acrobat in the browser, which puts me back where I started and where I
want to be -- thank you for the suggestion!

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