Interviewed by CNN on 27/07/2012 11:25, G. Ross told the world:
> Daniel wrote:
>> G. Ross wrote:
>>> One thing I dislike about 2.11 is that this theme is disabled.  I hate
>>> those blurry, blobby icons that Windows XP introduced and Seamonkey felt
>>> obliged to emulate. This is almost enough to make me go back to 2.014.
>> Have a look at View->Apply theme and select the other one.
>> Is that better??
> Thanks!  It is a little dab better.
There *are* other full themes (not the lightweight Personas themes, I
mean) available, you know.

You can find some of them here:

Also, the venerable Pinball theme is not on a.m.o., but it's still
compatible with Seamonkey and it's available on the author's site:

Between those, you might find something that fits your tastes.


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