On 10/14/2012 1:21 PM PT, Rufus typed:

I just installed this release.  During the install, I received a Norton
Antivirus alert that Suspicious.Cloud.7.F was detected and it "fixed it"
  (like fixing a cat maybe :) ).

Anyway, according to MozillaZine, it says this is a false positive,
associated with Foxfire and Sea Monkey.  So what did Norton "screw up"
by dealing with this "problem"?

Ugh sounds like either they mistook the whitelist here, or your
auto-update by them didn't go fast enough.

[We manually give our files to Norton shortly after they are available
to try and prevent this issue]

I'll reach out to my contact on monday to try and determine what

I use Norton AV and haven't had any of these problems with the Mac
version of SM2.13.1.

I don't think Mac NAV uses cloud to compare files like Windows' version does.
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