On 10/25/2012 8:47 PM PT, Jim typed:

I followed up with Norton with this problem on their forums.  The fix
that worked for me -- they told me to restored the file from quarantine
and Norton would no longer mess with it.  I did that and that worked.

Also, I submitted the .dll to Norton, and they said they couldn't
reproduce the problem.  From the forum users, it appears that some PCs
had the problem and some didn't -- but not sure if they all had this
release of SeaMonkey and Norton.

Also, Norton may have fixed the problem in their antivirus prior to my
file submission.

What's the URL to this Notron forum thread?
..."Like me with the anthill in my backyard. I spent days watching the ants, trying to figure out which ones were good, and which ones were bad, but they all just looked like ants, so I started smiting all of them." "Well that's not --" "I was smiting them with the garden hose, and with lighter fluid, and with the lawnmower, and to be perfectly honest, I think I went a little crazy with the shovel. Those ants could have been praying to me all day, I wouldn't have heard them." "There was nothing they could do about it." "But, I don't think --" "Really, it's the same with us. There's nothing we can do about anything either, so why worry about it? Hey, this is making me feel better." "Well, that's good, but --" "I guess all we can do is live our lives with as much kindness and decency as possible, and try not to dwell on God standing over us with a giant shovel."...--Dewey and Teacher in Day Care episode from Malcolm in the Middle
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