Miles Fidelman wrote:
JAS wrote:
Ed Mullen wrote:
Okay.  I'm going to try to be as nice and calm as I can.

In previous posts we've exchanged messages about SM hanging ...
consuming every last CPU bit, etc.

I just did a total re-install of Windows 7 Pro.

The first time I fired up SM mail?  It took over the CPU and the system.

Others have commented with similar issues.

I've been using this product and its ancestors since around 1994.  I'm
a loyal user.  And I'm going to have to go find another solution
because this one, much as I like it, is broken... as is Thunderbird.
It's something in the mail/news component of the products.  I have the
same issue when trying a Firefox and Tbird combo ... if it worked I
would have (grudgingly ) moved to that.  No


The system just locked up for 20 seconds while I'm typing this!!!
Screw this.  Been going on for about a year and a half.  I'm done.

By the way, it's not just locking up SM, it's locking up my whole

I cannot abide this.  Oh, God!!!  I may have to invoke ... oh, please
no ... OUTLOOK!

Cripes.  I'm gonna go have a drink.  I dunno what to do.

Could it have anything to do with your Anti Virus? I know if my
Kaspersky is doing anything and I try to use the mail it locks up. Just
a thought.

Well, it seems to do it on a Mac as well, and I'm not running an
antivirus.  One funny I've noticed, is that every once in a while
Seamonkey seem to kill smartd, after which my system will hang for 30
seconds at a time until smartd is restarted.  Very weird interaction.

This is very odd. I'm on the Mac and I cannot remember the last time SeaMonkey has acted up or crashed. SeaMonkey, for me, has been rock solid and crash/bug free. I would rate SeaMonkey 10/10 for stability. I am using a late 2006 24" iMac running 10.7.5 2.1.6 Ghz Core2Duo with 2 GB memory.
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