Ed Mullen

There are two things that may (or may not) be causing the trouble you are experiencing with Seamonkey 1. Add ons and 2. corruption in your user profile. First try staring Seamonkey in safe mode which disables all your add ons->open the browser and under the help menu click on "restart with Add-ons Disabled". Now open mail. If this solves the problem one of your add-ons is causing a problem with mail.

If disabling add-ons does not work you may have a corruption with your user profile. Before you do anything with your user profile make a backup copy the user profile to another directory (preferably to an external hard disk). Delete your user profile (you did make a backup to restore to, right? if the profile is not causing the problem.) Open the browser and under the Tools menu click on "switch profile" and create a new profile. Using the newly created profile open mail. Does mail open as expected and function properly? If so there is some corruption with the older user profile you backed up and it is causing Mail to act weird and crash.

If neither of these suggestions solve the problems you are having, I'm sorry but I don't know what else to suggest. :(
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