Desiree wrote:
"Philip TAYLOR" <> wrote in message

Michael Gordon wrote:

After going to the SM download page and searching around for several
minutes I found this page:

Base on what I did not read I have to presume SM will not support
Windows 8.

The presumption might be valid, on the basis solely of that document,
but historically Seamonkey has a first-class record of tracking
Windows releases, and I cannot imagine for one moment that Windows 8
(love it or loathe it*) will be any different in that respect.

Philip Taylor
* Microsoft have the uncanny knack of taking one step forwards
with alternate releases of Windows and two steps back with the
next release; Windows 7, whilst its search facilities are
abysmal, is not bad, and is certainly far more efficient than
XP.  I therefore have little hope for Windows 8 being anything
other than "The new Vista" :-(

I can't imagine Windows 8 not being supported eventually...but what about
NOW? How soon? My present computer is dying and it's old. My new one arrives
next week. Should I install SM or not? I am NOT referring to a version of SM
that will work on Metro. I will be on Desktop most of the time (all of the
time if I can figure out how to do that).


It looks like we have stirred the Hornets Nest with your question.
The bottom line for you is how to get your e-mail if SM will not install.

You have a few options:
1. If all your e-mail accounts are hosted by your ISP you can use their Web Mail interface and access to your mail. 2. If your mail accounts are hosted by different mail servers you can use a third party access point like to access all your accounts. ( )

Michael G

Armadillo Web Development

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