jb <j...@bang.vispa.com> wrote:
>>> My problem is this, restoring the backup
>>> of SM doesn't work.  How
>>> then do I restore it?  Do I find each
>>> file and copy it to it's
>>> proper place, and how do I know what IS
>>> the proper place?  Is
>> By following my directions and looking in the profiles.ini
> I've followed directions as best I can 
> understand them and I have
> looked in the profiles.ini file.  
> Seamonkey is not restored.
> What should I try next?

Of course, with "looking in" I mean reading the file, and checking
that what it says is corresponding with the actual situation on
your disk.  I also suggested that you paste the content of that
file here, so that it can be used as a basis for further discussion.

Normally it will have the name of the folder that holds your profile
on the last line (assuming there is only one profile) and you should
check that this folder exists and holds the usual collection of
configuration files (prefs.js, several .sqlite files, several .rdf
files, two .mab files, and subfolders one of them named Mail)

The profiles.ini and this profile folder should be treated as a
unit.  When you pick a profiles.ini and a profile folder from
different places (e.g. another computer, an old backup, a new
installation) and put them together the system will not recognize
the combo as a valid configuration and it will look like you have
lost everything, while that is not the case.

But with patience you can rebuild profiles.ini when you still have
the profile folder with the correct contents.  Look in the Mail
subfolder to see if you still have your mailfolders.
(there should be files with no extension and a size corresponding
to whatever mail you have saved, and .msf files with the same names
but a lot smaller in size)
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