Interviewed by CNN on 08/01/2013 02:40, Roger Fink told the world:
> When I to use the search box using Firefox, it works as it 
> should. However, in SeaMonkey (2.0.14) it will offer selections as I type, 
> but once I select one of them it basically goes dead, as though js was not 
> enabled, even though it is. This occurs in safe mode as well.
> I realize this is an older version of SeaMonkey but shouldn't it be able to 
> handle this basic task? Am I missing something? 

Uh, are you actually using SM 2.0.14 (last update of the 2.0.x branch,
released in April 2011) or 2.14 (released last November, most recent
version until tomorrow's release)? It makes a big difference.


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