G. Ross wrote:
> Geoff Welsh wrote:
>> G. Ross wrote:
>>>  Web pages have to be zoomed to 75% for me to see the entire width.
>>>  Is there a way to make this permanent?
>> start with making sure you have minimum font size set to "none"
>> in
>> Preferences/Appearance/Fonts
>> GW
> Thanks.
> Yes, I had done that, as well as decreasing the font size with no help
> on the problem.

You can try the No Squint extension. It is site-specific and will remember 
its last setting on a given site, provided you set it up that way. In 
addons.mozilla.org it is totally unclear to me what the latest version is 
for SeaMonkey, but whatever it is it probably will need to be tweaked to 
work in a late version of SeaMonkey. I'm using v. in SeaMonkey 
2.15.2 with no problem. 

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