On 2013-04-06 11:51 AM, Iceman wrote:
On Sat, 06 Apr 2013 15:37:50 +1100, Daniel wrote in message

Iceman wrote:
On Thu, 04 Apr 2013 19:58:16 -0400, Chris Ilias wrote in message

If you can't upgrade your OS, SeaMonkey 2.13.2 is the latest version to
work with Leopard. SeaMonkey releases since then also contain seciruty
fixes. You can see a list at

To get SeaMonkey 2.13.2, go to

I guess 2.13.2 will be my backup browser of choice, then. It was the one
that worked best.

Remember that you can search this newsgroup for past questions that are
the same as yours. ;)

I know that, Chris. But they don't all get as good answers as you give. :)

Goodbye and thanks.

Iceman, did you see my post for http://code.google.com/p/seamonkey-ppc/

Might work for you, too!

Yes, I tried the PPC version. Seemed kind of slow. I will stick to 2.13.2
for the time being.

Thanks to you too.

If 2.13.2 simply runs, that means you're on an Intel Mac, not a PPC, so you don't need the PPC version anyway. The reason why the PPC version is slow is because Intel Macs require the use of Rosetta software that allows PPC applications to run on Intel Macs.

In other words, you're supposed to be using the Intel version anyway. :)

Chris Ilias <http://ilias.ca>
Newsgroup moderator
support-seamonkey mailing list

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